Earnings How to Safely Use a Fire Pit On Your Wood or Composite Deck

How to Safely Use a Fire Pit On Your Wood or Composite Deck

Fire pits have become an essential addition to many homes. The warm glow and crackling sound of a fire can create a cozy atmosphere, making gatherings with family and friends that much more enjoyable.

However, safety becomes a paramount concern when it comes to using a fire pit on a wood decking or composite deck.

Choosing the Right Location

The first step to safely using a fire pit on your wood decking or composite deck is selecting an appropriate location.

This decision can have a significant impact on the safety of your deck and the surrounding area. Here are some ideas:

  1. Deck Material
    Before you place your fire pit on a deck, determine whether your deck is made of wood or composite materials. Wood decks are more susceptible to heat and fire damage, so extra precautions are necessary.
  2. Clearance Distance
    Maintain adequate distance around the fire pit. It is important to have at least 10-20 feet of space between the fire pit and any flammable objects, such as furniture, hanging branches, or the exterior of your home.

Benefits of fire-resistant mats (Deck Protect)

Deck protection is an important aspect of using your fire pit safely on your wood or composite deck.

It refers to measures and products designed to protect your deck from the potential dangers associated with open flames and intense heat.

Heat Reflection: Fire-resistant mats reflect heat away from the deck, reducing the risk of scorching or warping.

Ember Prevention: They also help prevent embers and sparks, thereby reducing the chance of igniting nearby flammable materials.

Ease of use: Fire-resistant mats are easy to install and maintain, making them a practical and convenient solution for deck protection.

Choosing the Right Mat

When selecting a fire-resistant mat for your deck, consider the following factors:

Size: Make sure the mat is large enough to accommodate your fire pit and provide adequate coverage around it.

Materials: Choose a mat made from a durable, fire-resistant material such as fiberglass, silicone, or volcanic rock.

Thickness: Thicker mats generally provide better insulation against heat.

Fire Pit Selection

When it comes to choosing the right fire pit for your deck protection, several factors should influence your decision:

Fuel Type

Consider whether you want a wood-burning or gas fire pit. Gas fire pits are generally deck protect, as they produce fewer sparks and embers than their wood-burning counterparts.

Size and Design

Opt for a fire pit that suits the size and style of your deck. It should complement your outdoor space while ensuring adequate distance from combustible materials.

Screen or Lid

Choose a fire pit that comes with a protective screen or lid. These accessories can prevent sparks from flying out and provide an additional layer of safety.

Preparing Your Deck

To safeguard your wood or composite deck while using a fire pit, follow these essential preparation steps:

Fire-Resistant Decking

Consider using fire-resistant composite decking material if you are building or renovating your deck.

This material is less prone to ignition and can provide an added layer of protection.

Regular Maintenance

Keep your deck well-maintained by sealing it regularly. A sealed deck is less likely to catch fire or sustain heat damage.

Deck Shield

Install a heat-resistant deck shield or barrier under the fire pit. This barrier will protect your deck’s surface from excessive heat.

How to Safely Use a Fire Pit On Your Wood or Composite Deck
How to Safely Use a Fire Pit On Your Wood or Composite Deck

Composite Deck vs. Wood Cost

When it comes to choosing between a composite deck and a wood deck, cost considerations play a significant role in the decision-making process.

Both materials have their advantages and disadvantages, and understanding the cost differences is essential to making an informed choice for your outdoor living space.

Wood Deck:

  • Wood decks are typically less expensive upfront than composite decks.
  • The cost of a wood deck can vary based on the type of wood used, with pressure-treated lumber being the most affordable option.
  • The initial cost of a wood deck may be appealing to budget-conscious homeowners.

Composite Deck:

  • Composite decks generally have a higher initial cost compared to wood decks.
  • The cost of composite decking boards varies based on the brand, quality, and design.
  • Composite decking boards are often more expensive due to their durability and low maintenance requirements.

Maintenance Costs

Wood Deck:

  • Wood decks require regular maintenance, including staining, sealing, and periodic repairs.
  • Maintenance costs for wood decks can add up over time, making them less cost-effective in the long run.
  • Wood decks are susceptible to issues like rot, splintering, and insect damage, necessitating ongoing upkeep.

Composite Deck:

  • Composite decks are virtually maintenance-free. They do not require staining, sealing, or frequent repairs.
  • While composite decks have a higher initial cost, they offer substantial long-term savings in maintenance expenses.
  • Composite decking is resistant to rot, splintering, and pests, ensuring it retains its appearance and structural integrity.

Longevity and Durability

Wood Deck:

  • The lifespan of a wood deck varies depending on the type of wood and the level of maintenance.
  • Properly maintained wood decks can last 10 to 20 years, but they may require replacement sooner if maintenance is neglected.

Composite Deck:

  • Composite decks are known for their durability and longevity.
  • High-quality composite decking can last 25 to 30 years or more with minimal maintenance.
  • The longevity of composite decks contributes to their overall cost-effectiveness.

Return on Investment (ROI)

Wood Deck:

  • While wood decks are initially more affordable, their lower durability and maintenance costs may result in a lower ROI over time.
  • A wood deck may require more frequent repairs and updates to maintain its appearance and safety.

Composite Deck:

  • Composite decks offer a higher ROI due to their durability, low maintenance, and longer lifespan.
  • Homeowners often recoup a significant portion of their investment when selling a property with a well-maintained composite deck.

Pros and Cons of Wood Decks

Wood Deck


  1. Natural Appearance: Wood decks have a timeless, warm, and natural look that many homeowners find appealing. The grain patterns and textures add character to outdoor spaces.
  2. Initial Cost: Wood decks are often less expensive upfront than composite decking, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious individuals.
  3. Easy to Work With: Wood is relatively easy to cut, shape, and install, making it a favorite choice for DIY enthusiasts.
  4. Repairability: When damaged or worn, wood decks can be repaired by replacing individual boards, which can be cost-effective in the short term.


  1. Maintenance Intensive: Wood decks require regular maintenance, including staining, sealing, and cleaning. Neglected maintenance can lead to issues such as rot, splintering, and discoloration.
  2. Limited Lifespan: Wood decks have a shorter lifespan compared to composite decking and may need replacement sooner, especially if maintenance is neglected.
  3. Vulnerability to Elements: Wood decks are susceptible to weathering, insect damage, and moisture-related issues if not properly maintained.

Pros and Cons of Composite Decking

Composite Decking


  1. Low Maintenance: Composite decking is virtually maintenance-free. It does not require staining, sealing, or frequent cleaning, saving homeowners time and money in the long run.
  2. Durability: Composite decking is highly durable and resistant to rot, splintering, and insect infestations. High-quality composite decking can last 25 to 30 years or more.
  3. Longevity: The longevity of composite decking contributes to its overall cost-effectiveness, as it requires fewer replacements over time.
  4. Color and Texture Options: Composite decking comes in a wide range of colors, textures, and styles, allowing homeowners to customize their outdoor spaces.


  1. Higher Initial Cost: Composite decking tends to have a higher upfront cost compared to wood decks. The initial investment can be a deterrent for some homeowners.
  2. Potential for Fading: Some lower-quality composite decking materials may experience fading or color changes over time due to exposure to UV rays.
  3. Limited Repairability: Unlike wood, composite decking cannot be sanded or refinished. While individual boards can be replaced, it may be challenging to match the color and texture of older boards.
  4. Environmental Concerns: Some composite decking materials may contain plastics or chemicals that raise environmental concerns. However, there are eco-friendly options available.

Safe Operation

Once your fire pit is in place, it’s crucial to follow safe operating procedures:

Read the Manual

Always read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific fire pit model. Each fire pit may have unique safety guidelines.


Never leave the fire pit unattended, especially if children or pets are present. Assign someone to monitor the fire at all times.

Keep a Fire Extinguisher Handy

Have a fire extinguisher or a hose nearby in case of emergencies. Quick action can prevent a small fire from turning into a disaster.

How to Safely Use a Fire Pit On Your Wood or Composite Deck
How to Safely Use a Fire Pit On Your Wood or Composite Deck

Extinguishing the Fire

When you’re finished using the fire pit, extinguishing the fire properly is vital:

Use Water or Sand

Pour water or sand over the fire, ensuring it is completely out. Continue this process until there are no more embers or sparks.

Do Not Use Ice

Never use ice to extinguish a fire pit. The rapid temperature change can cause the fire pit to crack.

After the Fire

Cool Down Properly

Allow the fire pit to cool completely before storing it away. Even after the flames have died down, residual heat can still pose a danger to your deck.

Regular Deck Maintenance

Inspect your deck periodically for any signs of heat damage. Replace damaged boards promptly to ensure your deck remains safe and beautiful.

What is a Fire Pit Pad?

A fire pit pad is a protective barrier designed to be placed underneath your fire pit. It acts as a shield, insulating the surface beneath it from the intense heat generated by the fire pit.

Fire pit pads are typically made from durable, heat-resistant materials that can withstand high temperatures without compromising safety.

Importance of a Fire Pit Pad

  1. Surface Protection: The primary purpose of a fire pit pad is to protect the surface underneath your fire pit. Whether you have a wooden deck, a patio made of stone or concrete, or a grassy area, a fire pit pad prevents direct heat exposure and potential damage.
  2. Safety: Fire pit pads reduce the risk of accidents and fire hazards. They help contain embers and sparks, preventing them from reaching flammable materials nearby, such as dry grass or leaves.
  3. Versatility: Fire pit pads are versatile and can be used with various types of fire pits, including wood-burning and propane fire pits. They come in different sizes and shapes to accommodate different fire pit dimensions.
  4. Easy Maintenance: Fire pit pads are easy to clean and maintain. Most can be simply hosed off or wiped clean after use, ensuring a hassle-free outdoor experience.

Choosing the Right Fire Pit Pad

When selecting a fire pit pad, consider the following factors:

  1. Size: Ensure the pad is large enough to provide adequate coverage around your fire pit. It should extend beyond the fire pit’s perimeter to offer comprehensive protection.
  2. Material: Fire pit pads are commonly made from materials like fiberglass, silicone, or volcanic rock. Choose a pad with a material known for its heat resistance and durability.
  3. Thickness: Thicker pads often offer better insulation against heat, providing enhanced protection for your outdoor surface.
  4. Design: Some fire pit pads have decorative patterns or textures that can add to the aesthetics of your outdoor space.

Using a Fire Pit Pad

Using a fire pit pad is simple:

  1. Place the pad on the ground or on the surface where you intend to set up your fire pit.
  2. Position your fire pit on top of the pad, ensuring it is centered and stable.
  3. Enjoy your fire pit while knowing that your outdoor surface is protected.


A fire pit on a wood or composite deck can be a great way to enjoy the outdoors and create a cozy atmosphere.

However, it is important to take proper safety measures to ensure the safety of yourself, your family, and your home.

This includes checking with your local government, making sure your deck is in good condition, placing the fire pit on a non-combustible surface, being mindful of the size and type of fire, ensuring proper ventilation, choosing an appropriate size and type of fire pit, using a fire pit screen, and keeping your deck clean and well-maintained.

By following these guidelines, you can safely and responsibly enjoy your fire pit on your deck

People also ask

  1. Is composite better than wood deck?
    • Composite decking is often considered better than wood because it’s more durable, requires less maintenance, and is resistant to rot, insects, and fading. However, the choice depends on your specific needs and budget.
  2. Is it cheaper to build a wood deck or a composite deck?
    • Initially, wood decks tend to be cheaper to build than composite decks. However, composite decks require less maintenance and may be more cost-effective over their lifetime due to reduced upkeep and longevity.
  3. Which lasts longer, wood or composite decking?
    • Composite decking typically lasts longer than wood decking because it’s more resistant to rot, insects, and fading. Composite decks can last 25-30 years or more, while wood decks may last 10-15 years with proper maintenance.
  4. Are fire pits safe for composite decks?
    • Fire pits can be safe for composite decks if you take precautions. Use a fire pit mat or pad, elevate the pit off the deck surface, and ensure there’s proper ventilation. Check the manufacturer’s guidelines for specific safety recommendations.
  5. How do you protect decking from a fire pit?
    • To protect your deck from a fire pit, use a fire pit mat or pad underneath it. Elevate the fire pit off the deck surface, maintain a safe distance, and have a fire extinguisher nearby. Follow safety guidelines from both the fire pit and decking manufacturers.
  6. What are the disadvantages of composite decking?
    • Some disadvantages of composite decking include its higher initial cost compared to wood, potential for heat retention in direct sunlight, and limited color selection. It may also be susceptible to scratching and staining, although modern composites have improved in these aspects.